アミノ酸 最近の学術情報

化学と生物 4回シリーズ セミナー室「アミノ酸の機能性とその新展開」

第1回 高齢者の骨格筋減弱(サルコペニア)の対策とアミノ酸
(Vol. 45 (2), 126-131, 2007) 
小林 久峰 (味の素(株))

第2回 代謝調節因子として注目される分岐鎖アミノ酸 
(Vol. 45 (3), 203-210, 2007) 
吉澤 史昭(宇都宮大学)
長澤 孝志(岩手大学)

第3回 タウリンの多彩な生理作用と動態  
(Vol. 45 (4), 273-281, 2007)
薩  秀夫(東京大学)

第4回 アミノ酸によるコレステロール代謝の制御  
(Vol. 45 (5), 347-354, 2007)
小田 裕昭(名古屋大学)

日本栄養・食糧学会誌 Vol.60 (3), 129-166, 2007


(1) アミノ酸とゲノム遺伝子の変容    

(2) 必須アミノ酸、非必須アミノ酸 その二つを分けるもの

(3) パネル討論会「進化の視点からアミノ酸栄養を考える」
林  裕造(食品保健科学情報交流協議会)
岸  恭一(徳島大学)


Journal of Nutrition Supplement Series

Journal of Nutritionに特別号として出版されたものである。世界におけるアミノ酸研究の流れを理解する上で、

Vol. 130, No.4S (2000)
International Symposium on Glutamate
Proceedings of the Symposium held October 12-14, 1998 in Bergamo, Italy

Vol. 131, No.9S (2001)
Glutamine Metabolism: Nutritional and Clinical Significance
Proceedings of the Symposium on Glutamine held October, 2000 in Bermuda

Vol. 133, No. 6S-I (2003)
2nd Amino Acid Assessment Workshop.
Proceedings of the Workshop held October 31-November 1, 2002 in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Concept of risk assessment, Safety testing , Pharmacokinetics, Genomics and metabolomics, etc.

Vol. 134, No. 6S (2004)
3rd Amino Acid Assessment Workshop.
Proceedings of the Workshop held October 23-24, 2003 in Nice, France.
Life stage, Other macronutrient sources, Pharmacogenomics, etc.

Vol. 134, No. 10S (2004)
Arginine Metabolism: Enzymology, Nutrition, and Clinical Significance.
Proceedings of the Symposium on Arginine held April 5-6,2004, in Bermuda.

Vol. 135, No.6S (2005)
4th Amino Acid Assessment Workshop.
Proceedings of the Workshop held October 28-29, 2004 in Kobe, Japan.
Branched-Chain Amino Acids.

Vol. 136, No.1S (2006)
Branched-Chain Amino Acids: Metabolism, Physiological Function, and Application
Proceedings of the Symposium on Branched-Chain Amino Acids held May 23-24, 2005 in Versailles

Vol. 136, No. 2S-II (2006)
Branched-Chain Amino Acids in Exercise
Proceedings of the Symposium held June 17, 2005 in New Orleans

Vol. 136, No.6S (2006)
5th Amino Acid Assessment Workshop.
Proceedings of the Workshop held October 24-25, 2005 in Los Angeles
Sulfur-Containing Amino Acids

Vol. 137, No.6S-I (2007)
Aromatic Amino Acid and Related Substances: Chemistry, Biology, Medicine, and Application
Proceedings of the transdisciplinary international conference held July 20-21, 2006 in Vancouver, Canada

Vol. 137, No.6S-II (2007)
6th Amino Acid Assessment of Workshop.
Proceedings of the Workshop held November 6-7, 2006 in Budapest.
Lysine, Arginine, and Related Amino Acids.

Vol. 138, No. 10-S1 (2008)
7th Amino Acid Assessment Workshop
Proceedings of the Workshop held November 2-3,2007 in Tokyo
Glutamine and Proline


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